Aren’t You Tired of Failing at New Year’s Resolutions?

Aren’t you tired of failing at New Year’s Resolutions?

Have you tried setting goals, only to lose motivation and quit?

Are you prepared to go another year not reaching goals or following through on your resolutions?

Stop right now! Stop quitting on your dreams!

I can show you how to set goals and New Year’s resolutions that will have you saying “2020 is the best year I’ve ever had!”

Inside you, you have what it takes to make your goals and dreams come true!

But…if you’re like millions of other people, a year from now you’re going to be living more of the same old, same old.


Why do almost everybody’s New Year’s resolutions fail?

Why, year after year, are people miserable, in pain, out of shape, and just struggling to get by? With all the incredible abilities you carry, why are your dreams not being manifested in your life?

*Did you lack clarity about your goals and plans to achieve them?

*Did you have a big enough “why” – a compelling reason why you wanted to change?

*Do you have limiting beliefs that hold you back?

*Are you waiting for “perfection,” when you’re really ready?

*Do you lack motivation, or are you not taking action because you felt lazy?

*Do you lack confidence and doubt whether you can actually reach your goals or follow through on your resolutions?

*Do you have too many goals?

*Do you have lots of distractions?

*Do you have someone who’s supportive and someone you’re accountable to?

*Are you inconsistent?

*Do you have a strategy in place that works?

As women, we have never learned how to tap into the incredible holistic abilities we have to plan and to take action to change our lives

Hi, I’m Nicole Nenninger. I have advanced degrees in psychology and marriage and family therapy. I’m a life coach and counselor, and I’ve worked with a wide range of clients from one-on-one consultations to groups of men having trouble with addictions and the law to couples at the brink of divorce to women struggling with self-esteem issues and depression. I’ve helped all those people change their lives.

I’ll help you change your life.

Be a Goal Star is a brand new program that will show you how to set goals and yes, actually reach them. This course normally sells for $97. My hourly rate is $250. But, I want to get you on the path to change for $47. That’s it! $47 to change your life!

You don’t have to sign up for this program. You can keep doing more of the same old, same old and keep getting the same results.

If you are sick of being sick, tired of being tired, and frustrated with being frustrated – and you’re ready to change your life, this is where you start.

I am so sure this program will help you change, that I guarantee it. If you don’t start making changes in 30 days, I’ll give you all your money back!

I’m here to help you.

When you sign up this course, you’ll receive a new lesson every week for 8 weeks. Each lesson contains the information you need to succeed in 2020 – and beyond!

1. Learn how to prioritize your goals and then actually motivate yourself to follow through.

2. Know your purpose in life so you can stop wasting time and effort on things that don’t matter.

3. Create a daily routine that supports your best new life and cut out the habits that are holding you back.

4. In week 4 you’ll focus on specific beliefs that will empower your mind and start to rewire your thoughts for success.

5. Then in week 5 you’ll move on to balance. What is the optimal work-life balance and how you’ll create it in your life.

6. The 6th week is my favorite and it will be yours, too! I’ve only recently learned a brand-new method of manifestation that actually works!

7. In the 7th week, you’ll learn how to get the energy you need to get things done. As a Reiki master, I’ve learned a lot of energy techniques. These are some of my favorites!

8. And lastly, let’s clear the clutter! Marie Kondo is popular for a reason – her methods for clearing clutter work! It feels great to clear your physical space – and it doesn’t have to be difficult.

The first module is ready for you to start your New Year off on a great note! After the New Year, you’ll receive the next 7 weekly modules each week.

You can find Be a Goal Star HERE. Enroll now, and get started today!

Prepare for AMAZING YOU and YOUR BEST YEAR YET! You can be a GOAL STAR!

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